Those who walk by the flesh cannot please God and are dead, but those who walk by the Spirit have life in God (Romans 8:1–8). The good news is that we are set free in Christ to walk by the Spirit and have eternal life.
God’s deliverance will not be predictable. But what is predictable is that God’s character will never change and that He is faithful to deliver His people.
We were all dead in our trespasses—no exceptions. But Ephesians 2:1–7 tells of the glorious transformation from death to life for those who are in Christ.
In our current culture, many of us overlook spiritual warfare. Whether we admit it or not, we are engaged in warfare on three fronts: against the world, the flesh, and the devil.
We are a new creation in Christ. Nevertheless, the old power of sin still wages war against the Spirit within us. We are in a soul-forming process by which the Spirit puts to death in us the deeds of the flesh. It is vital, therefore, that we remind ourselves who we are as fruit-bearers in the Spirit.
Dr. Boa presents his Morning Affirmations, focusing on the first seven areas of affirmation: Submitting, Adoration, Thanksgiving, Examination, Identity, Filling and Fruit of the Spirit, and Purpose of My Life.