God wants us to depend on Him and His power through the circumstances of life. Material wealth and fame will not bring us satisfaction and hope. The only enduring hope we have is in the LORD.
Samson’s story reveals a sad but common pattern: instead of celebrating the One who gave him his gifts, he preened his ego and applauded himself. Listen in to learn from the consequences of his disobedience and avoid his mistakes.
When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think about the upcoming day? Proverbs 3:5–6 tells us that our daily perspective ought to be founded on trust in the Lord.
You are not primarily a body. You are not primarily a soul. You are a person with both body and soul. Both are essential components of the human person.
What do we do when things are out of our control, when we face opposition from without or from within? We hope in Christ and rest in the promises of God.
The redemption motif that began in chapter three now continues in this concluding chapter of Genesis. God redeemed the evil acts of Joseph's brothers because He is faithful and His promises are sure.
In the same way that God's people could trust in His promises during the "400 years of silence" between the Old and New Testaments, we too can have full confidence in His promises in this time between the two advents of Christ.
Dr. Boa discusses the importance of maintaining a proper balance in the spiritual leadership of local assemblies. He addresses potential dangers to avoid and three components of leadership that apply to all of us as we lead in our particular spheres of influence.