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C.S. Lewis Retreat, June 2018: Introduction

In this recording of a presentation at a men's retreat in Flowery Branch, GA, in June 2018, Ken Boa begins with a broader talk on "great books" and reading and transitions to an examination of some of C.S. Lewis's ideas and writings, such as the relationship between higher and lower things and the "hints of heaven" God gives us in…
June 29, 2018
Great Books, Playwrights, & Poets (Ken Boa’s List) Photo of well-used books on a shelfCulture

Great Books, Playwrights, & Poets (Ken Boa’s List)

Reading encourages you to slow down, think deeply, and make inferences or connections. It also aids your memories, especially if you underline or mark text while you read. This list of titles, compiled by Dr. Boa, includes many classics sure to challenge your thinking and outlook—books that will "bite and sting" (as James Houston put it). Reading a physical copy is…
November 10, 2017