God's laws do not call us to mere external actions. Instead, they go deeper, commanding us to reorder our internal attitudes before the holy splendor of our God.
No one asks for persecution. But God in His wisdom has made it so that when anyone persecutes His Church, it is like taking seed and scattering it so that it goes everywhere.
God is about to reveal the standards and requirements that He mandates for His people, not to be tyrannical, but rather for their good. His desire is that “If you’ll only obey and walk in My ways then all would be well for You.”
What do you do when your security vanishes and enemies surround you? The Israelites faced this problem, but they had forgotten that God always provides and protects His people.
Exodus 13 focuses in on what redemption means for the people of Israel. But we can glean insights into our own redemption because Scripture is ultimately about God, not us.
Life has always been gift and grace. God's grace is even bigger than we thought. John 21 demonstrates this truth to us through His love for Peter after his denial of Jesus as well as through His service to the disciples.