How should Christians relate to the government? Paul's answer to this in Romans 13 has two parts: we are to obey governing authorities, but we are also to obey God above men.
At the end of his life, Joshua gave a farewell speech to the people of Israel, exhorting them to remember God’s faithfulness in order to trust and obey Him.
How do we put our faith into practice? Paul addresses this topic in Romans 12, focusing on how personal consecration leads to corporate transformation.
The story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho demonstrates that victory ultimately belongs to God. Even when we do not understand God, we must obey Him.
God does not do the same thing twice in the same way. The book of Joshua teaches us that He calls us to obedience, not to reliance on presuppositions. This means that when He calls us to do something unexpected, we must submit to Him and trust Him.