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ApologeticsSunday Morning Study

The Cause of Evil

Look around you, watch a minute of the news, and you will see suffering. It is an unavoidable part of life. But where did evil come from? As we ask this question and look for answers, we’ll find that the biblical Christian worldview gives us a robust answer to the problem of evil.
February 27, 2022
Friday Morning Men's StudyTheological

The Study of God

In every order of magnitude, what is God telling us about Himself? The beauty we see in creation should drive us to seek to know Him in Scripture. Knowing God—not just in your head, but in your heart—will make all the difference in your life.
February 25, 2022
Friday Morning Men's StudySpiritual Formation

Receiving God’s Guidance

The discernment of God's will does not come from employing certain techniques. To discern God's will is to understand how to please Him and to be watchful for His daily guidance. This requires an ongoing and genuine relationship with the Lord. In particular, there are five facets of our relationship with Him that are prerequisites for receiving His guidance.
October 8, 2021