In one sense, God is incomprehensible to us. We cannot fully understand Him, and we cannot get to know Him on our own terms. He has to be the One to reveal Himself to us.
Look around you, watch a minute of the news, and you will see suffering. It is an unavoidable part of life. But where did evil come from? As we ask this question and look for answers, we’ll find that the biblical Christian worldview gives us a robust answer to the problem of evil.
In every order of magnitude, what is God telling us about Himself? The beauty we see in creation should drive us to seek to know Him in Scripture. Knowing God—not just in your head, but in your heart—will make all the difference in your life.
Reflecting on death can teach us to live fully in the precious present. Instead of blindly blundering through our lives, we need to notice the ways in which the world seeks to change us. In doing so, we will not succumb to the gradual downward pull of the world but will renew our minds in Christ.
If the resurrection is true, then how we live matters. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives, showing whether we find our identity based on our “earth suit” or on our spiritual life.
The discernment of God's will does not come from employing certain techniques. To discern God's will is to understand how to please Him and to be watchful for His daily guidance. This requires an ongoing and genuine relationship with the Lord. In particular, there are five facets of our relationship with Him that are prerequisites for receiving His guidance.
You are here for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says that those who are in Christ "are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." God intentionally made you with specific purposes in mind. It is His desire that you "walk in" those works He has prepared for you.
Does God have a specific will for your life that you can know? Does He prompt you with personal direction by the Holy Spirit? Or does He only reveal His will in a general way?