The redemption motif that began in chapter three now continues in this concluding chapter of Genesis. God redeemed the evil acts of Joseph's brothers because He is faithful and His promises are sure. The 14th story in this series reinforces an important biblical lesson: what matters is not just how you start, but how you finish. In less than 50 years, the Israelites went from being united under one God, worshiping in the magnificent Temple and astonishing foreign dignitaries with their society, to being a fragmented, confused people who believed that one…
David was unique among Israel's kings. Being called a man after God's own heart reflected not earthly perfection (he was far from that), but his real and honest relationship with God.
Ken Boa teaches on the story of a pagan widow named Ruth, who followed her mother-in-law back to her homeland and, through God's providential plan, wound up in the bloodline of the Messiah.
Ken Boa's 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible series continues with Genesis 12, in which we learn how God did the impossible through a "random nobody who lived in the middle of nowhere."
The youngest of all the major world religions, Islam is the second largest. Despite the growing numbers of Muslims worldwide and in the West, and the increasing importance of Islam in world politics, many Christians in the West know little about Islam. This series helps Christians understand this major religion better and the challenge it poses.