you need to make the most of the kairos moments—those moments of each day when God invites you to join His plan and submit to His will instead of clinging to your own plans and your own will.
This life is transitory, ephemeral, and we will face adversity while on this earth. But we have fellowship in Christ’s sufferings, a truth that ought to lead us to cultivate a greater longing for our eternal home.
The story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho demonstrates that victory ultimately belongs to God. Even when we do not understand God, we must obey Him.
Righteousness requires training, not trying. It involves redeeming the time, doing temporal tasks for the glory of God and submitting your plans to Him.
Informal times with God are crucial to our relationship with Him. Practicing His presence involves taking advantage of kairos time and developing our relationship with Him.
This podcast is from Ken Boa's presentation on transitioning well from midlife, delivered March 21, 2019, to a men's event organized by the Center for Executive Leadership in Birmingham, AL.
Tozer said, "The days of the years of our lives are few, and swifter than a weaver’s shuttle." Ken Boa closes this series on time with some practical tips for seeing and spending our time on earth with an eternal perspective.
Ken Boa continues to discuss stewardship, with a focus on our management and stewardship of time. He reflects on the brevity of our lives and the fact that God gives us all the time we need to accomplish His purposes.