We are moving to an end without end in the Kingdom of Christ, and we are wise if we live in light of that destiny. Thomas Cole's paintings call us to this life of wisdom in all seasons, ages, and stages.
How do you age well, making the most of the years after age 45 (and even before then!)? How do you make sure you’re investing time, energy, and resources to what matters most—in God’s eyes? Ken Boa spoke on this subject in Birmingham, AL, on October 25, 2019, in a follow-up talk to his address on March 21, 2019. The…
We are all running a race, but we often forget to do so with excellence. Our habits turn into ruts and times of transitions bog us down. How can we change our mindset?
Grace as opposed to law, which is the crux of the Christian faith, is the sixth of eight "spiritual essentials" (core aspects of the Christian faith) Ken Boa discusses with his Friday morning men's study at First Redeemer Church (Cumming, GA).
Many people miscalculate the brevity of life and the length of eternity. They put their hope in Jesus for their eternal destiny, but they put their hope in the world for everything else. Scripture calls us to live wisely and well, not presuming upon the future or assuming we have all the time in the world.
Ken Boa concludes his “Eight Spiritual Essentials" focusing on the eighth essential to the spiritual life: living each day well (as if it were your last).