When it comes to the question "why does the universe exist at all", the only reasonable answer is the theistic one; an eternal God created it and continues to sustain it.
https://youtu.be/EW1tqXA4oRU Is there really a God? To this question, answers fall into three basic categories: 1. No (Athiesm) 2. Maybe (Agnosticism) 3. Yes (Theism) We must deal with the question of God's existence. Indeed, how we answer this question might be the most important thing about us. It affects our entire outlook on life. One's answer to this question informs…
We need to think well and realize that the Christian faith is founded on fact. The object of our faith is key. Although the amount of our faith may change, but the object—the person and work of Christ—never will. As a result, Christianity is not a crutch—it’s the cure.
What gives your life meaning? Conventional wisdom abounds telling us how to find meaning in life. On the surface, much of it sounds like good advice. The problem is, every one of them will ultimately fail to bring you meaning and satisfaction. According to Solomon, two key truths must guide us if we are to live meaningful lives.
There is a futile emptiness of trying to find meaning and satisfaction “under the sun.” But when we fear the One who is above the sun, our futility is transformed into a living hope.
We are moving to an end without end in the Kingdom of Christ, and we are wise if we live in light of that destiny. Thomas Cole's paintings call us to this life of wisdom in all seasons, ages, and stages.
We are pilgrims being prepared for home. We are not home yet. Life was never meant to be about ourselves, but about God. For this reason, it is the eternal that gives meaning and hope in the temporal arena.