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Rewriting the Broken Story of It’s a Wonderful Life CultureLearning WellLiving WellPractical Application

Rewriting the Broken Story of It’s a Wonderful Life

Most of us know about It’s a Wonderful Life because of a clerical error. Not only did the film tank at the box office. Its 28-year copyright protection was not renewed, making it part of the public domain. As a result, television stations began to air the movie for free on a routine basis. Thus It’s a Wonderful Life was…
December 21, 2023
“Listening In” Interview with Warren Cole Smith on “Reading” Films SoundboardCulture

“Listening In” Interview with Warren Cole Smith on “Reading” Films

In spring 2018, Ken Boa led a session for the Colson Center for Christian Worldview on "How to 'Read' a Film." Warren Cole Smith, who facilitated the course, decided to sit down with Ken afterward and discuss more in-depth his 10-part process for evaluating films. This was the second time Ken was a guest on Smith's show this year (earlier,…
August 21, 2018
What Makes a “Good Movie”? Hollywood sign with Los Angeles in backgroundCulture

What Makes a “Good Movie”?

Whether you deem a movie to be "good" or not depends on your definition. It also depends on your approach to movies. Read about the five main approaches to film watching in the Christian world, ranging from an abstinence mindset to seeing films as dialogue-starters or even "divine encounters." Also, Ken discusses questions of agenda and worldview as they relate…
May 1, 2018