Paul exhorts the Colossians to let their practice conform to their position in Christ. We have been raised with Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father.
If the resurrection is true, then how we live matters. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives, showing whether we find our identity based on our “earth suit” or on our spiritual life.
God calls us to live doxologically in every aspect of our lives—even when we experience suffering. The book of God teaches us to find satisfaction in God no matter our circumstances, transforming our “why” of grumbling into one of gratitude.
Memories bring with them a sense of grief at lost hopes and dreams. But reflecting on them can help prepare us for our eternal home, remembering that our short lives lead us to eternity.
Continuing to build the biblical foundation, Dr. Boa examines the four Gospels to see how Jesus practiced the presence of God in total dependence and submission.