There is a huge difference between the fate of the false teachers and the fate of the righteous. While He brings judgment on the false teachers, God has given His children an undefiled and unfading inheritance.
After the Flood, the Lord reinstated His command for people to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth"; He also allowed the eating of animals (not only plants), and He made a covenant with Noah. Ken Boa teaches on Genesis 8, the beginning of the post-Flood world, in which Noah is commanded to repopulate the earth and, as a part of His mission of deliverance and redemption, God makes a promise never to destroy the earth again with a catastrophic deluge. This is part of the ongoing 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series…
Genesis 6 documents the radical measures God took to address increasingly rampant human wickedness and preserve a godly remnant of people for Himself, through one family.