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ApologeticsScienceSunday Morning Study

A Critical Look at Darwinian Evolution Where did we come from? This question of man’s origins has long been at the center of the thoughts of philosophers, scientists, and “ordinary” people alike. How we answer this question informs our answers to many other fundamental questions, such as:  Where are we going? Why are we here?  Humanity’s actual origin—that is, how people came to be—informs our…
May 8, 2022
ApologeticsSunday Morning StudyTheological

Is there Really a God? Is there really a God? To this question, answers fall into three basic categories: 1. No (Athiesm) 2. Maybe (Agnosticism) 3. Yes (Theism) We must deal with the question of God's existence. Indeed, how we answer this question might be the most important thing about us. It affects our entire outlook on life. One's answer to this question informs…
April 24, 2022