How can we honor God in our relationships, particularly in the family and in our jobs? He calls us to live out of our identity in Him, loving others and treating them with respect.
Parents are mediators of God's love in their children's lives, modeling the unconditional acceptance we have in Christ (not based on our performance). It's therefore vital that parents walk by the Spirit in order to live out this calling in their hearts, home, and habits.
Parents and grandparents are in a unique position of impact on "their" children and grandchildren, who ultimately belong to God; they can always pray for, love, and serve them no matter what the relationship is like or how far away they live.
The parent/child relationship is another key relationship in which we're to honor Christ and order our lives around Him. The home is designed as a laboratory of learning and growth, a training ground for life.
This is Ken Boa's second session on the parent-child relationship, part of a larger "Holistic Spirituality" teaching series in his Sunday morning class.