The temptation to seek after the visible and temporal rather than the invisible and eternal is not new. Looking at 1 Samuel, we see that the Israelites struggled with this temptation in regard to their rulers.
Ken Boa teaches on the book of Judges, where we see that God is a jealous God (He wants and demands to be the sole object of our worship), but He's also remarkably patient, and always desiring to have mercy on us if we'll turn to Him.
Peter talks about the surprising power and gift of grace that comes upon us which overcomes adversity and suffering. When we keep an eternal perspective, God gives us peace, patience and comfort in a way that transcends the circumstances of life.
Jesus calls us to a living hope; a hope that will not die. A hope that is so transformative that it will produce an inheritance. Dr. Boa expounds on the four qualities of the inheritance and the legacy that we share with Christ as co-heirs, as sons and daughters of the King.