In this famous section of Scripture, Paul describes the "emptying" of the Son of God who became a man—known as the doctrine of kenosis. While it is interesting to investigate the theological concepts regarding the nature of Christ’s “emptying,” to be fixated on that phrase from this passage is to miss Paul's overall point: Be like Christ. Being Like…
you need to make the most of the kairos moments—those moments of each day when God invites you to join His plan and submit to His will instead of clinging to your own plans and your own will.
A key leadership attribute is humility, and from the example of Jesus, we see that true humility means focusing our eyes on God, allowing Him to lift us up in due time instead of seeking honor for ourselves.
Followers of Christ are to have a compelling character in the context of a "crooked and perverse" culture, with a clear sense of calling as agents of the King, holding fast the timeless and powerful word of God, as we look toward the second coming of Christ.
In this last session of his series on Practicing the Presence of God, Dr. Boa discusses the dynamic process of becoming in practice (by spiritual habits) who God has declared us to be. We can recalibrate our minds for a godly life by putting Scripture into practice.
Dr. Boa talks about our development in this soul-forming world as we are prepared for the next. In the meantime, we live as light amidst a crooked and perverse generation.
Dr. Boa discusses how the mind works, and how we can renew our minds to become the people we were created to be. We can remind ourselves all the time that we were meant for more than this world.