God wants us to depend on Him and His power through the circumstances of life. Material wealth and fame will not bring us satisfaction and hope. The only enduring hope we have is in the LORD.
Wisdom is the application of knowledge to achieve the best ends through the proper means. Because God is all good and has all knowledge and power, He can accomplish the best ends via the best means.
The Bible teaches us that God is omniscient and omnipotent. This means God knows all things and can do all that can be done. Because of these truths, we can be assured that His promises will come true.
The temptation to seek after the visible and temporal rather than the invisible and eternal is not new. Looking at 1 Samuel, we see that the Israelites struggled with this temptation in regard to their rulers.
The greatness of God is on marvelous display in the universe. We need only take a closer look at everything around us in order to see it and glorify Him for the gratuitous beauty He has put into creation.
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25 NASB95). One mark of the disciple is depending on the power of the Holy Spirit.