Our wealth influences our walk. If we seek after worldly wealth, the way that we live will reflect the values of the flesh. But if we pursue spiritual wealth, we will walk like a child of God.
In order to move from skimming to digging deeper in God's Word, you must reorient your desires. Put practical steps in place as you seek to memorize Scripture.
Ken Boa discusses a fourth critical component of the spiritual life—practicing the presence of God (or abiding in Christ, walking with God, etc.)—in his series on eight "spiritual essentials."
Ken Boa embarks on a tour with his Sunday morning class through A Guide to Practicing God's Presence, the companion training guide to Life in the Presence of God.
Dr. Boa presents his Morning Affirmations, focusing on the first seven areas of affirmation: Submitting, Adoration, Thanksgiving, Examination, Identity, Filling and Fruit of the Spirit, and Purpose of My Life.