If we're not careful, we approach God with laundry-list prayers. Praying through Scripture is a useful method of prayer that helps turn our hearts back to praising God.
How we read Scripture matters. Just as we ought to have a balanced diet of Scripture, engaging in the whole counsel of God, so we also need to use different methods as we read. God's love is so rich and deep that we need to sink our roots deeply into His Word, strengthening our relationship with Him.
Do you have a balanced diet of Scripture? Just as we cook an entrée and a side of vegetables to create a well-rounded meal, we ought to be balanced in how we read the Word of God.
John 17 gives us the privilege of witnessing an intimate conversation between God the Son and God the Father. Jesus prays not only for His disciples then but for us as well.
Knowing God involves both the heart and the mind. The ancient practice of sacred reading involves a process of moving from the mind to the heart through reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation. This is the ninth part of Ken Boa's "Devotional Spirituality" series.
Dr. Boa explains the power Christians are able to access by putting on the armor of God. The five defensive and two offensive weapons enable the believer to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Follow the apostle Paul's example in prayer. Use the following four passages from three of Paul's epistles (letters) as a pattern of prayer for yourself and/or others Ephesians 1:17–19a " that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray…