Paul exhorts the Colossians to let their practice conform to their position in Christ. We have been raised with Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father.
In our current culture, many of us overlook spiritual warfare. Whether we admit it or not, we are engaged in warfare on three fronts: against the world, the flesh, and the devil.
We are a new creation in Christ. Nevertheless, the old power of sin still wages war against the Spirit within us. We are in a soul-forming process by which the Spirit puts to death in us the deeds of the flesh. It is vital, therefore, that we remind ourselves who we are as fruit-bearers in the Spirit.
There’s a strange unease in not having a sense of identity. But the problem is that we derive our identity from all the wrong places. We need something rich and profound. We need love, joy, and peace. Such things we can only find by placing our identity in Jesus Christ.
Everyone has a morning routine. We get up, perhaps lounging in bed or stumbling into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and so we begin our day. Regardless of our routine, it is essential to renew our minds first thing in the morning.
The world seeks to infiltrate our minds with lies. But we must do battle with these lies by daily affirming the truths found in Scripture about our identity in Christ.