We all have a need for security, significance, and satisfaction. But searching for these in people, possessions, or position will never be enough. Only in Christ do we find all we need.
What gives your life meaning? Conventional wisdom abounds telling us how to find meaning in life. On the surface, much of it sounds like good advice. The problem is, every one of them will ultimately fail to bring you meaning and satisfaction. According to Solomon, two key truths must guide us if we are to live meaningful lives.
“Is this all there is?” This is the question we find ourselves asking when we achieve a goal, thinking it will have given us our heart’s desire. But whether we strive for popularity, power, possessions, or prestige, we will find that the things of this world cannot satisfy us.
There is a futile emptiness of trying to find meaning and satisfaction “under the sun.” But when we fear the One who is above the sun, our futility is transformed into a living hope.
God calls us to live doxologically in every aspect of our lives—even when we experience suffering. The book of God teaches us to find satisfaction in God no matter our circumstances, transforming our “why” of grumbling into one of gratitude.
The parts of our lives that feel most empty are often the parts God most uses to draw us to Himself. Read about Michael Card's discovery of this truth.