Why hasn’t God put an end to evil? If it were on our terms, we would eliminate the cruel world leaders, murderers, thieves, natural disasters, and diseases. But God’s approach is far more radical.
This life is transitory, ephemeral, and we will face adversity while on this earth. But we have fellowship in Christ’s sufferings, a truth that ought to lead us to cultivate a greater longing for our eternal home.
First Samuel 2 contains one of the great prayers of the Bible. The prayer of a humble womangives us a picture of the honor and glory and praise due to God.
Where do you turn when you are despondent and in despair? If you are in need of encouragement, 2 Corinthians 1 provides comfort in the face of adversity
First Samuel is a book of new beginnings, a transition from the old ways of the judges to the new ways of the kings. It begins with a story of prayer in which one childless woman, Hannah, begs God for a son. Her example teaches us key principles about presenting our prayers to God.
The parts of our lives that feel most empty are often the parts God most uses to draw us to Himself. Read about Michael Card's discovery of this truth.
"If a man dies, will he live again?" (Job 14:14) How we answer this fundamental question determines whether or not we have hope in the midst of suffering.
The first two chapters of Job give us a divine perspective on trials. We may not understand God's purposes, but we can trust His sovereignty and goodness.