Monday Night StudySpiritual FormationSunday Morning Study Persuasive Peacemaking We truly begin to walk in wisdom when our speech demonstrates self-control. Instead of answering out of anger, speak calmly out of love.Ken BoaSeptember 13, 2020
Monday Night StudySpiritual FormationSunday Morning Study The Wisdom of Speaking Less When it comes to our words, less is better than more. Sin likes to sneak into our lives through our lips, so a quality of the wise is to speak less often.Ken BoaSeptember 6, 2020
Monday Night StudySpiritual FormationSunday Morning Study The Art of Listening and Speaking How do you use your words? Because words are powerful, they can do much harm or much good.Ken BoaAugust 30, 2020
Monday Night StudySpiritual Formation Spirit-Filled Spirituality Part 9: The Nature and Purpose of Spiritual Gifts IV God has given us all spiritual gifts. How can you use yours for the edification of the church?Ken BoaJanuary 13, 2020