Drawing from the lives of Daniel, Jeremiah, and others who experienced hardship, Ken Boa teaches on how to approach disappointment and struggle with a biblical perspective.
Ken Boa presents an overview of the three fronts of spiritual warfare: the world, the flesh, and the devil. The flesh is internal, while the world and the devil are external.
Peter continues to prepare his readers for upcoming persecution and opposition. He encourages them to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is in them. Dr. Boa expounds on this notion of turning from fear to faith and sanctifying Christ as Lord in our hearts so that the shalom within us becomes evident to others.
Jesus calls us to a living hope; a hope that will not die. A hope that is so transformative that it will produce an inheritance. Dr. Boa expounds on the four qualities of the inheritance and the legacy that we share with Christ as co-heirs, as sons and daughters of the King.