Jesus is full of the glory Peter witnessed at the transfiguration. But even more significantly, He is the one who chose the way of suffering on the way to that glory. He is the one whose cross preceded His crown.
The proper response to this danger of false teaching is to grow up into maturity in Christ. Like Jesus, Peter warns that false teachers will be known by their fruit. The sensual lives they lead show they do not really take the teachings of Jesus to heart. The best way, then, to avoid the dangers of false teaching, is to…
Coauthor Jenny Abel interviews Ken Boa about their book Shaped by Suffering: How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal Homes, released from InterVarsity Press February 4, 2020. Jenny Abel (JA): If you had to distill the thesis of Shaped by Suffering down to one sentence, what would it be? Ken Boa (KB): The essence of this book is that,…