Spiritual FormationSunday Morning Study The Word Versus The World We are called to live by the value system of the Word; this is a large part of what it means to walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7; cf. Romans 8:24–25).Ken BoaJuly 24, 2022
Spiritual FormationSunday Morning Study Life: A Short and Fevered Rehearsal Shifting to a biblical paradigm involves great risk, because it challenges everything our culture reinforces.Ken BoaJuly 17, 2022
Spiritual FormationSunday Morning Study Two Competing Paradigms Where do we find our hope? Where do we invest our time? Is it in the world of things that fade away, the things prone to corruption and decay? Or is it in the eternal things that will never perish?Ken BoaJuly 10, 2022