Sometimes our minds are divided between putting our hope in the things of this world and putting our hope in God, but we must trust Him. He knows all and has given us everything.
The secret to contentment is not simply having more. Ken Boa encourages believers to contextualize their circumstances in light of God's good and gracious provision.
Teaching on the issue of money and its power over us, Ken uses the images of a steward, shepherd, and servant to illustrate the proper role money should have in our lives.
Tozer said, "The days of the years of our lives are few, and swifter than a weaver’s shuttle." Ken Boa closes this series on time with some practical tips for seeing and spending our time on earth with an eternal perspective.
God put a longing for eternity in our hearts; when we die, time will continue forever, in a way only God can see fully, with qualitative differences from our current experience of time. The process of aging will cease, and time will no longer constrain us or drag us down.
Unlike the circular/cyclical view of time taken by the ancient Greeks and today by Hindus, biblical time is linear, centered around the resurrection of Jesus Christ and building to the final climax in history when He returns again.