Paul tells the Ephesians to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. He bases this on the truths he previously told them concerning their identity in Christ. What, then, does a worthy walk look like?
Paul wrote the epistle to the Romans to a diverse audience. Consisting of both Jews and Gentiles, his audience had differing views on religious practices—they did not agree on the nonessentials. Romans 14 addresses the manner in which we ought to behave when faced with such a situation in our own lives.
How do we put our faith into practice? Paul addresses this topic in Romans 12, focusing on how personal consecration leads to corporate transformation.
Having explored the clarity of the new covenant, Paul prays that his fellow believers would be enabled to live well out of their enlightenment in Christ.
Sin separates, but grace brings things together. If we have been saved by the blood of Christ, then we are part of His Body in all its unity and diversity.
Ken Boa introduces a new teaching series, "Devotional Spirituality," which involves growing in intimacy with Christ, reveling in God's glorious attributes, and aspiring to lay hold of His desires for us. The series is based on Facet 6 of his best-selling spiritual formation text, Conformed to His Image.
Ken Boa emphasizes the importance of believing that demons exist. He explains their nature and work. Demons’ most destructive activity is perverting the gospel of grace.