No matter the season of life, we should never stop learning—and this is particularly true when it comes to the knowledge of God. It doesn’t matter how long we live, because there will always be more to learn about God.
Those who walk by the flesh cannot please God and are dead, but those who walk by the Spirit have life in God (Romans 8:1–8). The good news is that we are set free in Christ to walk by the Spirit and have eternal life.
you need to make the most of the kairos moments—those moments of each day when God invites you to join His plan and submit to His will instead of clinging to your own plans and your own will.
Did you know that, as a Christian, you are in constant conflict? Every moment presents a choice to lead a Spirit-directed life or to succumb to the wiles of the enemy and his temptations. When we have a warrior mindset, setting our minds on Christ, we will have the victory.