Dr. Boa presents his Morning Affirmations, focusing on the first seven areas of affirmation: Submitting, Adoration, Thanksgiving, Examination, Identity, Filling and Fruit of the Spirit, and Purpose of My Life.
Wisdom for Dummies: The Book of ProverbsThis content is taken from chapter 3 of Dr. Boa's book The Perfect Leader. People generally don’t like being called “dummies.” And yet how can we explain the overwhelming success of a series of books aimed at dummies? Beginning with the November 1991 publication of DOS for Dummies, the series now has more than 100…
We all have broken stories and Peter wants us to understand that we can rewrite our story. We can imbed our story in a greater narrative that begins and ends well. When we are a part of God's story our life matters. When we keep an eternal perspective we understand that the adversity and afflictions of this life will only…
Dr. Boa provides an overview of the first epistle of Peter. It is a book of encouragement and hope to a people who are oppressed and persecuted. There are three overarching themes throughout this book: suffering, glory and grace. By God's grace, He transmutes the lead of suffering into the gold of glory; a glory that will endure.