BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #33): Transfiguration In a flash of brilliant light, three friends of Jesus saw a glimpse of His divine nature and glory.Ken BoaJuly 21, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #32): Miracles Jesus' ministry was attested to by the Scriptures and authenticated through the many signs and wonders that He did.Ken BoaJuly 14, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentWednesday Morning Study 365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Luke 24 The most significant event in human history, the Resurrection, is the focus of Luke 24, which also records Jesus' post-Resurrection appearances.Ken BoaJuly 10, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #31): The Best Sermon Ever In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches on the kingdom of God, trusting in God's provision, living with an eternal perspective, and other topics.Ken BoaJuly 7, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #30): Wilderness The extraordinary encounter known as the temptation of Jesus shows us the Tempter is no match for the Son of God.Ken BoaJune 30, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #29): A Real Live Human God It is hard to imagine that the God of all the universe would become a man. Indeed, Jesus was not only a man, but at one point was also a child.Ken BoaJune 23, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentWednesday Morning Study 365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Luke 20 In this chapter the scribes and chief priests confront Jesus and attempt to trap Him, but Jesus answers them brilliantly, leaving them speechless.Ken BoaJune 19, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #28): A Baby Ken Boa discusses the humble yet glorious way in which the God who made the universe chose to enter His own creation.Ken BoaJune 9, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentSunday Morning Study The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #27): Savior Born The most important event in human history is and was the birth of our Lord Jesus. Everything else, including His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection, hinged upon that initial event that began His earthly life.Ken BoaJune 2, 2019
BiblicalNew TestamentWednesday Morning Study 365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Luke 19 This chapter of Luke includes the conversion of Zaccheus, the parable of the minas, and Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.Ken BoaMay 29, 2019