You are not primarily a body. You are not primarily a soul. You are a person with both body and soul. Both are essential components of the human person.
What do we do when things are out of our control, when we face opposition from without or from within? We hope in Christ and rest in the promises of God.
Is Jesus the basis for your being made right before God, or is He not? Do you simply have to believe, or are there certain things you have to do to be saved?
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” (Genesis 22:18). God keeps His promises. As Acts unfolds we learn precisely how this promise is fulfilled.
After Pentecost it was time for the apostles to take the Gospel beyond Judea into Samaria, and eventually into the ends of the earth. Now that the disciples had seen the risen Lord and received power through the Holy Spirit, they couldn't stop from sharing the Good News.
One of the most significant events in Biblical history is recorded in Acts 2. Here Luke records what is in effect the reversal of what God did at the tower of Babel.