Sometimes things don't go exactly as we imagine them going. However, God is faithful. We must trust and hope in Him, looking to Him alone for the provision of the Good.
The failure and stubbornness of people in the past didn't prevent God accomplishing His purposes, and it wasn't going to stop Him now. Moses self-perceived deficiencies did not matter. If God calls you to a purpose, He will equip you for it.
In an amazing turn of events, God sovereignly guided the process to preserve Moses' life. It would be through Moses that God would deliver his people from bondage.
We all have broken stories and Peter wants us to understand that we can rewrite our story. We can imbed our story in a greater narrative that begins and ends well. When we are a part of God's story our life matters. When we keep an eternal perspective we understand that the adversity and afflictions of this life will only…