Looking at the eschaton, or the last things, is a tricky topic. But, it is important for us as Christians to be able to talk about it with open hands, recognizing the mystery of prophecy. Ken Boa connects the Feast of Tabernacles to the second coming of Christ.
The people whom God has called must be sanctified in order to reflect His holiness. The book of Exodus told the story of God redeeming the Israelites and calling them to be a holy nation. Now, Leviticus represents a guidebook for the new nation of Israel.
Both the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread represented the Israelites' deliverance from bondage in Egypt. With the coming of Jesus Christ, however, they were fulfilled and their meaning was explained.
At first, the 7 feasts of Israel may not seem like something Christians need to worry about. But these feasts are prophetic, typifying the coming of the Messiah. Israel's feasts demonstrate the holiness of God and the sinfulness of humanity, looking ahead to the efficacious sacrifice of Christ.
Sometimes things don't go exactly as we imagine them going. However, God is faithful. We must trust and hope in Him, looking to Him alone for the provision of the Good.
Exodus 1 describes how the children of Israel came to be oppressed by the Egyptians. However, God did not abandon them and was with them during their bondage.