Sometimes things don't go exactly as we imagine them going. However, God is faithful. We must trust and hope in Him, looking to Him alone for the provision of the Good.
How do you share the Gospel with someone who has never heard it? Some approaches start by talking about things like sin, salvation, redemption, and judgement. However, these concepts are often foreign to the modern man. Maybe it would be better to contextualize the Gospel by using concepts that are more familiar.
After Pentecost it was time for the apostles to take the Gospel beyond Judea into Samaria, and eventually into the ends of the earth. Now that the disciples had seen the risen Lord and received power through the Holy Spirit, they couldn't stop from sharing the Good News.
Who are you? What defines you? People look to many sources for their identity: money, position, political party, career, social media, sexuality, family... the list goes on. However, what really defines you as you? Who or what has the final say?
One of the most significant events in Biblical history is recorded in Acts 2. Here Luke records what is in effect the reversal of what God did at the tower of Babel.
The failure and stubbornness of people in the past didn't prevent God accomplishing His purposes, and it wasn't going to stop Him now. Moses self-perceived deficiencies did not matter. If God calls you to a purpose, He will equip you for it.
Emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers on the part of the unbeliever often prevent the christian from sharing his faith. In order to be an effective witness, one must know specifically what these barriers are and how to navigate them.