For three years the disciples were with Jesus and witnessed His miracles. They believed His message, but now He tells them He's leaving and they can't come with Him! What is going on?
John 13 marks a significant shift in Jesus' ministry. He's done numerous public signs to prove that He is the Christ and that it is through Him that one may have life. He now shifts to something different.
Sometimes things don't go exactly as we imagine them going. However, God is faithful. We must trust and hope in Him, looking to Him alone for the provision of the Good.
The failure and stubbornness of people in the past didn't prevent God accomplishing His purposes, and it wasn't going to stop Him now. Moses self-perceived deficiencies did not matter. If God calls you to a purpose, He will equip you for it.
God guided the people of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. With this Old Testament backdrop Jesus now proclaims that He is the light of the world. He is the one who guides the people and shows them the way to life.
The miracle of feeding the multitude demonstrates Jesus' superiority to Moses. Moses gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness, yet they died. Jesus, as the bread of life, offers true abiding life.